Today, less than 1%
of installed smart devices
are connected to a cloud.


The Farm Use Case 🌾🐮🐷



From a Swiss-Cheese to
an integrated IoT network
in a heartbeat!

The Problem

Modern farms are filled with smart connected objects: from tractors to stock warehouses, from animal trackers to automatic feeders.

But very often, they lack a network that gathers and centralizes critical data in an accessible manner, impeding farmers from having a 360° overview on their operations.

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The Solution

TacoTech’s plug-in technology offers the ability to connect the current machinery to a single Wide-Area Network without having to replace it all together.

It’s easy, fast, cost-effective and delivers powerful insights on a farm’s day-to-day operations.


Extract data
from every step of
your value chain.


The Factory Use Case 🏭.



Upgrade and secure your network for half the trouble!

The Problem

Many modern food processing factories have installed a single unified network of connected devices powered with WiFi, Bluetooth or Ethernet. These networks already allow them to monitor production lines, warehouses, transportation, energy consumption, personnel activities and security.

However these networks aren’t flawless. Apart from the high installation costs, they can be disrupted by their short reach, lack of coverage (e.g. underground or rural areas), power drops or even cyber-security breeches.


The Solution

TacoTech’s plug-in technology offers the ability to connect the current machinery and easily build a secondary communication network to guarantee continued and consistent monitoring when the primary network fails.


your ecosystem
